
The Missing Piece


希尔弗斯坦以最简洁有味的线条和文字,阐释了一则有关 “完美” 与”缺憾” 的寓言,令人们思索无限。行进中的它,行进中的自己,好不容易追寻到那失落已久的一角,却无法与自己一同前行。该失望?该快乐?该守候?还是该继续前行?



这是一个耐人寻味的寓言,中心意思似乎很简单:有缺憾胜于完美。可是,为什么呢?你可以说因为有缺憾才有追求,也可以说因为缺憾从另一面看正是优点和机会,这要你自己去琢磨了。也许你一时说不清楚,但你不会不产生一种感想:完美是更可怕的缺憾,而缺憾倒往往是可爱的。一天,我和我5岁的女儿一起看这本《失落的一角》,这一只有缺憾的圆的故事把她迷住了,她一边看,一边笑个不停。第二天一早,她带着这本书去幼儿园,一心要和小伙伴们分享她的快乐。我知道,谢尔在她心中的地位从此不可动摇。—-知名学者 周国平

追求完美 尊重自然


感谢谢尔,感谢曾给我过关心和帮助的人,更感谢那些曾经质疑和打击过我的人,正是有了你们毫不吝啬的参与,才使我的 生活变得更加丰富多彩,使我再次面对“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的信念时,品味出了更多深刻而简约的味道……






The Missing Piece

-Shel Silverstein

It was missing a piece.
And it was not happy.

So it set off in search
of its missing piece.

And as it rolled
it sang this song –
“Oh, I’m lookin’ for my missin’ piece
I’m lookin’ for my missin’ piece
Hi-dee-ho, here I go,
Lookin’ for my missin’ piece.”

Sometimes it baked in the sun
but then the cool rain would come down.

And sometimes it was frozen by the snow
but then the sun would come and warm it again.

And because it was missing a piece
it could not roll very fast
so it would stop
to talk to a worm

or smell a flower

and sometimes it would pass a beetle

and sometimes the beetle
would pass it

and this was the best time of all.

And on it went,
over oceans

“Oh I’m lookin’ for my missin’ piece
Over land and over seas
So grease my knees and fleece my bees
I’m lookin’ for my missin’ piece.”

through swamps and jungles

up mountains

and down mountains

Until one day, lo and behold!
“I’ve found my missin’ piece,” it sang,
“I’ve found my missin’ piece
So grease my knees and fleece my bees
I’ve found my…”

"Wait a minute," said the piece.
"Before you go greasing your knees
And fleecing your bees...

"I am not your missing piece.
I am nobody's piece.
I am my own piece.
And even if I was
somebody's missing piece
I don't think I'd be yours!"

"Oh," it sang sadly,
"I'm sorry to have bothered you."
And on it rolled.

It found another piece

but this one was too small.

And this one was too big

this one was a little too sharp

and this one was too square.

One time it seemed
to have found
the perfect piece

but it didn’t hold tightly enough
and lost it.

Another time
it held too tightly
and it broke.

So on and on it rolled,

having adventures

falling into holes

and bumbing into stone walls.

And then one day it came upon
another piece that seemed
to be just right.

“Hi,” it said.
“Hi,” said the piece.
“Are you anybody else’s missing piece?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Well, maybe you want to be your own piece?”
“I can be someone else’s and still be my own.”
“Well, maybe you don’t want to be mine.”
“Maybe I do.”
“Maybe we won’t fit….”


It fit!
It fit perfectly!
At last! At last!

And away it rolled
and because it was
now complete,
it rolled faster
and faster.
Faster than it had
ever rolled before!

So fast that it could not stop
to talk to a worm

or smell a flower

too fast for a butterfly to land.

But it could sing it’s happy song,
at last it could sing
“I’ve found my missing piece.”

And it began to sing-
“I’ve frown my nizzin’ geez
Uf vroun my mitzin’ brees
So krease ny meas
An bleez ny drees
Uf frown…”

Oh my, now that
it was complete
it could not sing at all.

“Aha,” it thought.
“So that’s how it is!”

So it stopped rolling…

and it set the piece down gently,

and slowly rolled away

and as it rolled it softly sang-
“Oh I’m lookin’ for my missin’ piece
I’m looking for my missin’ piece
Hi-dee-ho, here I go,
Lookin’ for my missin’ piece.”


